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The idea of getting outside psychological testing for a diagnosis of ADHD is completely unnecessary, causing patients to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars, possibly wait many months to get an appointment with the few psychologists who do test for ADHD, and then take that lengthy report back to your prescriber (more time and money) to possibly receive ADHD medication. This "run-around-town" process isn't necessary or required by any insurance company.  All in all, I often hear patients quote me costs of $1000-$1500 for testing and up to 6 months for this total process to take place. Confusingly, all psychiatrists, NP's, and PA's are trained to diagnose and treat ADHD. They are trained to treat any diagnosis in the DSM - our diagnostic manual.  Why don't they? I can't answer that question briefly, but there are many reasons and conclusions one might draw. However, no outside professionals are actually required aside from a psychiatrist. Hearing from a mental health provider that now, you or your child must get psychologist testing just delays treatment.  Many kids in school can't wait that long as their grades continue to suffer.  That's why I got into this specialty area, to disrupt this back-and-forth process and apply common sense to ADHD diagnostics and treatment.

I operate a "one-stop shop." One 1-hour appt. That's it.  I'm happy to help you and take a look at your or your child's situation. The $300 you might spend with me for immediate answers I can almost guarantee will be far less money and time you'd spend going back and forth between specialists. While I can't promise you'll be diagnosed with ADHD and receive medications, I can promise that 99% of the time, I can provide an answer to the question "Do I or my child have ADHD?" and we can start treatment, if warranted, immediately, at our first appointment.

To begin this process and sidestep psychological testing for ADHD, browse this website, and then fill out an appointment request form: https://matthewsachsmd.com/appointment-request. We'll take it from there and get back to you ASAP.