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I also treat almost all mental health conditions.

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30 min follow-up = $135.
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Blog/Videos/News- UPDATED 9-11-24

Sep 11, 2024, 8:55 AM
Prescribing cannabis where state laws allow it, appears to decrease prescription benzodiazepine use. This is a small study and not conclusive, but it points out the possibility that there may be less addictive treatments to mental health ailments with the new cannabis state laws.
Sep 5, 2024, 8:56 AM
Great news to all my ADHD patients. Looks like the past few months have been going better with more medication available, and it's not just a coincidence. Just got this update in...
Jun 3, 2024, 8:58 AM
Research suggests exercise may be more effective for treating depression than antidepressant drugs, with dancing far surpassing all other activities and pharmacological treatments—and intense exercise close behind.
May 26, 2024, 10:21 AM
Mar 21, 2024, 8:50 AM
Mar 11, 2024, 8:53 AM
Regarding ADHD treatment: DECREASE IN INJURIES FROM ACCIDENTS. One theory is that attention/concentration is increased, especially when driving cars, and especially in the 16-19 yo population.
Feb 26, 2024, 10:53 AM
In this study, antidepressant dispensing to adolescents and young adults was rising before the COVID-19 outbreak and rose 63.5% faster afterward. Many more females than males received antidepressants during COVID. What this article doesn't give are definitive explanations as to why, just some guesses (in the discussion section). I don't really see the "why," so perhaps you can enlighten me. Is this a coincidence or a finding based in solid reasoning?
Feb 26, 2024, 8:40 AM
Proud to be on the list this year. 5 in a row! Thanks to my great patients who it's been a pleasure to help. Appointments still available.
Feb 25, 2024, 10:00 AM
Hopefully, this explains why many of my patients' medications have been so hard to find. Lots of government regulations have decreased the ability for generic manufacturers to produce what I prescribe. Unfortunately, I don't know how this improves unless the regulators are replaced by those with a different opinion.
Dec 11, 2023, 4:36 PM
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry just came out with a large study showing a correlation between ADHD medications and reduction in height in teenagers, however, the issue is very complicated. The study appears to have a lot of potential flaws. Since I work with so many children and teenagers with ADHD, I want you to know I stay on top of the latest research. This moonth's front page article definitely makes headlines, but if you read the fine print, there's more than meets the eye. Here are just some of the issues I've found. 1) pg 7. “Our sample included only male patients and their relatives, and might not generalize to female patients.” 2) pg 7. “A full mechanistic understanding of why...individuals with ADHD are shorter than expected is currently lacking.” The authors don't know WHY ADHD and height is correlated. 3) pg 7. Unclear hypothesis. “There are indications that children with ADHD have an increased risk of growth hormone stimulations...(but) the etiology (is not) fully known.” 4) pg 8. Only yes/no answers were permitted, so they only asked if the child took ADHD medication or not. They did not record length of time on ADHD medication, dosages, or which types. 5) pg 8. Other contributing factors. “The associations between ADHD and shorter height were partly explained by socioeconomic status (financial stability, net worth, etc), prenatal care, and other psychiatric factors.” 6) pg 6. Improper end point. The authors didn't know when to stop measuring height. They did not take into account puberty and growth spurts. The cut-off age was arbitrary, in other words, the children may still have been growing. 7) pg 6. Generalization. The study was only done in Sweden and only with males. One has to be careful generalizing those results to females and to the rest of the world could be problematic. It's just one country, and one gender. 8) Pages 6-8. Many other studies have proven no correlation. Lastly, to reiterate, no proven causation was found, just a correlation. And the max correlation was about 1 cm. That's 0.39 inches. When all is said and done in this study, it’s not even that much.