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Tele-Psychiatrist in VA, NC, & DC
I diagnose and treat you personally, one-stop shop.
I also treat almost all mental health conditions.

MD-Only Treatment.

60 min initial eval & treatment =  $275.
30 min follow-up = $135.
Prices increase on Oct 15 2024 by ~10%. Text us anytime: 757-219-2753. We pride ourselves in our responsiveness.

Blog/Videos/News- UPDATED 9-11-24

May 23, 2023, 9:22 AM
A physician is held responsible for a patient's outcome. But the patient cannot choose his physician. The patient must select from a limited list chosen by the health plan. The physician does not have adequate time to be with the patient. Providers must follow benchmark standards, viz., 15 minutes for an established patient. Failure to achieve the standards can produce a scorecard that could take away hospital privileges. The regulatory burden takes away even more patient time from a physician. Before electronic prescribing, it required less than one minute to write an Rx and give it to the patient. Now (unpublished data) it takes roughly ten minutes to get through all the screens, security protocols, and data input to use e-prescribing. Keep in mind that the efficient physician has only 15 minutes total with the patient, and the doctor still must fill out insurance forms and HIPAA compliance directives! The physician cannot choose the best drug for his patient — the pharmacy benefits manager chooses. During COVID, Washington decided medications for all Americans, one-size-fits-all. Physicians who tried to use their best judgment on a specific patient rather than follow Fauci edicts were stopped. Some were subject to disciplinary action, even firing. The doctor does not choose the patient's intervention. The health plan and/or insurer decides what procedure will be performed, where, who does it, when, and even if it is done. The patient or consumer does not pay the doctor or seller — the third party does. Washington dictates "allowable reimbursement" and then repeatedly reduces the amount. All of the above results in an M.D. shortage that, taken to its furthest-most outcome, could and probably has lead to death by waiting and regulations, like a human "queue." Hopefully, no Americans die waiting in line for technically possible care that does not arrive in time to save them. Those statistics are hard to track. Hopefully, enough American continue to become doctors not because of the paycheck, but because of the belief in the Hippocratic Oaths and the joy of helping others.
May 4, 2023, 12:47 PM
A fascinating article on the impact of treated vs untreated ADHD and social outcomes for young adults. Basically, NOT getting ADHD treated showed a much higher increase in unemployment, education, and overall satisfaction with life. Click here to access the PDF article that just came out in a prestigious psychiatric journal this month.
May 1, 2023, 1:01 PM
A recent CVS Health® survey found that young adults and physicians continue to see the country struggling with mental health, but most Americans aren't seeking care. But 85% agree digital health services like telehealth -- offered here! -- has made mental health more accessible. Six in 10 (60%) respondents aged 18-32 say they are concerned about their mental health, and two thirds (67%) say they know a lot of people in their community that are struggling with mental health issues. Most physicians (56%) also report declining mental health among their patients. However, only 1 in 10 (12%) Americans regularly see a mental health professional like a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or well-being therapist. About six in 10 (58%) respondents aged 18-32 report that social media has negatively impacted their mental health, compared to just 22% of respondents age 57+.